Refund Policy These Rules govern the relationship between the Customer and the Contractor, LLC Lets Build, related to the refund of the paid cost of educational services in the event of termination of the Offer Agreement for the provision of paid educational services.
1. The Customer may claim a refund minus the actual costs incurred by the Contractor at the time of the request for a refund for services in the following cases:
before the start of the provision of travel services, before the provision of the tour.
2. The actual costs of the Contractor include (the list is not exhaustive): commissions from banks, credit institutions and relevant payment systems for making refunds, bank commissions for transfers to individuals, the cost of preparing a tour, the cost of paying for third-party services, advertising and marketing costs, communication services and other expenses, incurred by the Contractor in order to organize the provision of Services in the interests of the Customer.
3. The refund of funds by the Contractor is carried out upon a written request from the Customer sent to the Contractor's email address within the time limits provided for in paragraph 1 of this Policy.
4. The refund request is sent to the Finance department by e-mail
5. An application for a refund is made in free form and must contain the following information:
Last Name First Name Patronymic of the Customer;
the reason for the refund;
the amount of the payment and the currency in which it was made;
date of the transaction;
payment system;
a scanned copy of the payment transfer document / screenshot in the case of using electronic payment systems (this document is sent if available and will speed up the processing of the request for a refund);
contact information (phone, e-mail);
payment details for the refund (in case the refund needs to be made to an account other than the account from which the payment was made.
6. Grounds for refusal to refund funds:
6.1. During the training, the Customer had personal circumstances beyond the control of the Contractor, and the Customer did not apply for termination of the tour.
6.2. The Customer did not request assistance from the Contractor to resolve any issues that arose during the process.
7. The refund of funds is carried out in the absence of grounds for refusal of refund, established by clause 5 of these regulations, minus the actual costs incurred by the Contractor at the time of the request for a refund.
8. The decision to refund or refuse to refund the funds is made by the Contractor within 10 (ten) business days from the date of receipt of the relevant application from the Customer.